The journey of an average American woman living in a world wanting more than simple and sweet...
Thursday, July 31, 2008
A New Favorite Thing
It is one of my most favorite things in life.
I use it everyday, I mean, EVERY day.
Sometimes it seems to be only thing that keeps my head attached.
Other times, I leave it on the shelf, glad to leave it at home for the day.
Sometimes I schedule or attend meetings to discuss it.
Once in awhile, it makes me cry.
Then other times, I look at it and grin from ear to ear.
What item in a persons life can bring such a range of emotion?
My new calendar!
(Yes, I got a new calendar in July, I carry a school year one as that is the year I really operate on.)
Let me tell you about my new little friend. She is blue pleather. She fits nicely in my purse. She is a monthly and daily calendar, with tabs and a pen holder. It has a closure strap. And best of all, I actually found it at Wal-Mart for only $8! I am so happy! If you ever want to meet my new gal pal, she will be in my purse, waiting for the next entry. I would recommend her to anyone.
Happy Scheduling!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
B. Best friend? Scott, my husband and my great sis in laws
C. Cake or pie? For being a cake decorator, I don’t really like cake. As for pies, I like some (ice cream ones), my favorite though is my warm apple crisp, yummm!
D. Day of choice? Nothing particular, just the day of the week when I can be with my husband.
E. Essential items? Bible, computer, Bigelow lip gloss and gum
F. Favorite color(s)? Royal purple
G. Gummy bears or worms? Ughh, neither, they are gross.
H. Hometown? Nampa, Idaho
I. Favorite indulgence? Onion rings (I’ve wanted them lately), ice cream with hot fudge and nuts, and dark chocolate
J. January or July? That is tough. Love the July time with the family. January is nice with the snow but cold!
K. Kids? 3 darling daughters
L. Life isn’t complete without? Jesus.
M. Marriage date? June 6, 1992
N. Number of brothers or sisters? 1 wonderful sister! She is awesome!
O. Oranges or apples? Oranges are about the best food God made (next to peanut butter)
P. Phobias? Heights! My palms sweat and heart races even watching someone doing something that involves heights.
Q. Quotes? "God is good. All the time." "It is all about Jesus." “The cake isn’t done until the kitchen is clean.”
R. Reasons to smile? Jesus, marriage, children, my great job!
S. Season of choice? Fall – the crispness in the air and the change in the light of the sun. Spring – the tulips!, the newness of everything.
T. Tag 5 people: The first 5 to read this…. that means you!!!
U. Unknown fact about me. I love Neil Diamond concerts. – I’ve been to three as an adult and saw him once as a child.
V. Vacation of choice? Our someday (hopefully in the reasonably near future) “WE’RE DEBT FREE” vacation to Disneyland/Disneyworld.
W. Worst habit? Procrastinating and complaining
X. Xray or ultrasound? Ughh, both mean the doctor suspects something is wrong. I will pick xray, because that will probably be easier to treat?????
Y. Your favorite food? Peanut butter
Z. Zodiac sign? Sagittarius but who really cares!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Summer Photo Diary

Our day at the zoo. These are the monkeys that weren't in their cages!
My daughter Amanda was baptized. (This is a copy of her testimony, the pictures include other people's children and I don't want to post without permission.)

Genesis Camp with Hannah

VBS -Power Lab

Four generations together. I spent time with my grandma who visited in July. Her visit previous to this was in 2001.

Watch out, Scott enjoys this too much!

However, Jenna really wishes this could stop. The Fourth of July- family fun!

Kid's Camp with Amanda (is that an eye roll? or is she just tired?)
The County Fair - we won ribbons! Amanda received 3rd for a watercolor and 1st for a photo. I received 2nd for a photo.
Things that didn't get pictures taken:
- Swimming with the whole family.
- Bike rides with dad.
- Planting and raising our salsa garden.
- Softball games.
- Aunt Becky's birthday.
- Other family get togethers.
Summer is not over and I know we have many more great things planned for great times together. I am amazed as I look back and notice how many opportunities we were involved in to share Jesus or grow in our faith. I praise God for these opportunities. I desire that everything our family does would somehow have an eternal purpose in directing us and/or others to the cross of Jesus. This can happen even in the mundane or the routine and even at a family BBQ. God is what this life is all about. It is a gift. May I not fall into the trap that this life is about me. May I live a life that pleases my Creator and points others to the cross where Jesus died for our salvation.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tagged, ughh

So, I challenge you to join in the, uhh, fun? No, torture. Well, it's not that bad. It just feels so personal, maybe invasive. Well, you let me know what you think.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
On Friday I came home. Since the time I arrived back, I believe that I have become the loop side of the Velcro. Every time my children come near me they press in a little closer and I need to pry them off of me when I have to move. I love their expression of love for me. I have to admit I have wanted to hold them closer too. I have heard on several occasions the spontaneous utterances of "Mom, I missed you for hundreds of days" or "Mom, I am glad you are home" or "You were gone lots of days mom". I can never doubt that my kids love me. They were nurtured, cared for and loved in my absence and still they missed me. I love being their mommy.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Lost & Found and a Goal Completed
The rest of the summer fun at the library includes checking out books and reading them. The checked out books come home and are put in the library basket, unless the girls are reading them, then they are by the kids' beds. Well, needless to say I thought this was a full proof plan to keep from loosing a book. That was until this book came into our home:

On a fun note, the kids finished the reading program a couple weeks ago. We finally got there today to pick up their prizes. They got restaurant coupons, fair admission, little toys (soon to be lost) and a new book each (Messy Bessey not included). They did a great job reading finishing their goal of thirty days, twenty minutes a day. My girls LOVE to read. The kids were excited to have there picture taken with the library mascot "Booker Bee", as well.

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Weather Forecast - Tornadoes Ahead
Some of the 125 cupcakes I made for a wedding. Scott delivered them to Bogus Basin (he is the best husband in the world!).
The completed cake of one of my students. She did her homework and practices a lot!
Four generations together, my grandma, mom, me and the girls.