Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I finally heard!

Well, I finally heard after harassing the medical professionals. I was told that the last radiologist had delayed in faxing a report to my surgeon's office. WHATEVER!!! (oops, did I say that out loud?)

So, this is what the news is:

The MRI, mammogram, ultrasound has shown I have "3 lesions" that are a "category 3". Yeah, I don't know exactly what that means either. However, all the radiologists (three of them) who have reviewed the exams believe these are benign. I am glad about that, for sure! So, I will have another physical exam at the end of October to check for any changes. I will repeat my radiological tests in February to see if there are any changes. Whew, I am glad to have heard something.

Thank you for praying for me. It has been a blessing. I am nothing without Jesus.


Gathered Chick said...

Praise God! I'm so glad your news is good, Kym!!

Leah said...

Love the new layout! I've been wondering about your status. I'm so glad it's good news.

I want to tell you I appreciate your spirit. There are only a handful of people I have met in my life who speak of Jesus with as much love as you do. It's an admirable trait. You glow. I love the wisdom you impart. You're not afraid to share things about yourself when you believe it will be encouraging to others. You make a difference in my life. Thank you!

Stephanie said...

WHAT A PRAISE!! I'll keep praying for you though...