Thursday, October 16, 2008


Collections. I really don't have a collection (unless you count dust bunnies and cobwebs that miss my eyes). Oh, I also, occasionally and unwillingly, collect dirty laundry. Sometimes too, I collect piles of folded clean clothes that need to be put away (albeit that rarely lasts for more than a day). Then there is also the collections of piles and piles of papers that seem to accumulate on my desk throughout the week. Papers from the kids school lessons, papers from work, papers for the home, etc.
But the collection I was beginning to write about were the collections of items left behind in the home by the rest of the family. Let's start with cups. Cups. and more cups. On nightstands. On end tables. On the desk. On the kitchen table. Sometimes on the counter. Nearly all contained water at one time or another. Now, they stand, posed and empty. They are collected by me or Scott and carried to the sink. Loaded in the dishwasher. Put away. Only to return to there poses a day or two later. Can I tell you a SHOCKER related to cups? Unbeknown to Scott and I, Amanda had successfully collected 17, yes SEVENTEEN, cups in her room! 17! How in the world!!! I had been throwing away some of our plastic "kid" cups and had thought that was why we didn't seem to have any left. Um. No. They were in her room! Unbelievable!
I also seem to collect with frequency hair barrettes, pony tail holders and clips for the girls hair. If I sweep, there are some on the floor. If I vacuum, there they are again. What is funny is that the girls don't wear them much. So how do they make their way to the floor? That is easy. Barbies. Barbie is always in need of a new do that gets left behind more often than not. So when I am done sweeping and vacuuming, I have a pocketful of hair do dads that need to find their way back to their home in the bathroom.
Somehow, I also collect pennies. How do pennies make their way consistently to the bottom of the washing machine? Is it me? or Scott? or the kids? I have yet to figure this one out but none the less, there they are in the washer.
So, what collections do you have? Am I alone in this world with my collections?


Dámaris said...

I am glad I found someone else with "collections". So funny my is folded laundry also. I can't stand piles of laundry so to eliminate "that" problem I fold them and but them back in the baskets. When I get a chance I put them where they belong but this happens 2/3 days later, so in the mean time I have a collection of about three baskets full of folded laundry. When the girls can't find what they want to wear they ask me, mom where are the baskets? lol, at least they are folded and they know where to find them right? - I have one more, and that is unmatched socks!! uhh I have a plastic container where all the unmatched socks go, and that's another collection that I really don't like dealing with very often until we feel like we are running out of socks. Once every 2/3 weeks I dump the container on my bed and while watching the late news Roger and I attack the pile and when we are done it feels like we just came from the store with quite few pairs of socks. I am glad life is not perfect!

Shawna said...

My first one would also have to be laundry. I fold it on my bed...but then when i have time to put it away, there is usually a kid asleep in the rooms. So, comes night and I move them to the floor at the end of my bed. The piles then tend to stay there for a few days. AHH! My other collection is "crafts". Katelyn loves to make pictures and various things out of paper...I find them everywhere and I try to toss them every so often, but I can't keep up with the production! The new thing is to make "laptop computers" out of a folded piece of construction paper. She has a plethra of those!

Kym said...

Oh! By Grace Alone reminded of my other unmentioned collection: SOCKS! Ughhh. It can be a nightmare. Scott and I play the same game as you and Roger! Glad we are not alone in this world. I keep my unmatched socks in a Wal-Mart bag in my laundry closet. It gets full and I get to work.

Anonymous said...

Amanda and her cups...that is insane. Her college roommate is going to have a fit. We too have collections of paperwork/art projects. Those really bug me so they don't stay around long. Having a family of four, with a boy & girl of different sizes, the sock thing isn't an issue. Thankfully. The only collection I really have a problem with that I actually ignore for great periods of time is my ironing. I know a lot of you don't even bother, but there are some things that just need to be ironed. But because I hate to iron, some things are only worn once a month. Ok...there you have it. My dirty little secret. :)