Thursday, August 28, 2008

Step by step

*I am writing this post to encourage you to be vigilant with your breast health. I also write it because I believe in prayer. I am asking you to join me in prayer regarding my "steps".

Step 1: Notice something strange. Is that normal? Really, that can't be okay.
Step 2: Get on the Internet, check Nope, not really normal.
Step 3: Think about it every time you change, shower, etc. Think that you are crazy.
Step 4: Show husband, "What do you think?" His response, "Better ask the doctor."
Step 5: Check again, yep, it said it was not normal. Ughhhh...
Step 6: Finally call doctor's nurse. Yep, doctor will need to examine it. Set appointment.
Step 7: Wait a week and a half.
Step 8: Go to doctor. Get exam. Yep, doctor doesn't like it. Set up three tests.
Step 9: Go to mammogram and get breasts squished and squashed. Radiologists reviews, wants more pictures. More squishing and squashing.
Step 10: Go to ultra sound. Find that your neighbor (female) is your ultra sound technician, too weird but okay.
Step 11: Told they aren't finding anything specific to explain my breast situation.
Step 12: Next day, meet with a surgeon. Review findings: tissues to dense to tell what is happening, need to remove tissue to get a closer look. That means biopsy.
Step 13: Schedule surgery (9/2/08).
Step 14: Pre-op appointment.
Step 15: Hear in detail about surgery. Ugh. Not excited at all! I can expect pain. They will insert wire with guidance of another mammogram and the radiologist, then I will go to surgery where the wire will mark the spot for the surgeon to remove.
Step 16: Set up child care, tell family/friends.
Step 17: Wait. Pray. Go on with the day to days. Biopsy results will be in about 5 days after surgery.

I appreciate your prayers. I dread the pain (after all I am a wimp). I really want to know what is going on and feel this is not an area of health to put of till later. Ladies, remember to pay attention to your breasts and any changes, no matter your age.

I will let you know how it turns out.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you sis! Whatever happens, it will all turn out ok. Love ya!

HH said...

I'll be praying for you!

Krista said...

Oh, Kym. What a scary ordeal! I'll be praying for you. It sounds like you are right on top of things, which is so important. Try to rest in His peace. He's going ahead of you.

Wife2Jason said...

Praying has started!!! Oh my. I agree 100% about being proactive in your own breast health.

A wonderful quote you should pass along.... "Feel Your Boobies Everyday!"

Gathered Chick said...

Wow Kym. I had a similar "scare" a few years ago, but the mammogram determined no further action needed to be careful. Thank you for this important reminder that we need to be mindful of our health. I am praying for you.



Kristen said...

I am praying for you.... Thanks for sharing your story, your strength and your faith.