Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What about the fam?

Okay, I told my friends and family that I would be updating this blog with tidbits about how we are and what we are up to. The "we" I am speaking of is my husband (Scott), my three daughters, Amanda, Hannah and Jennica "Jenna".

I will fill this particular blog with the "Scott" info. He is doing well. He is currently working for Northwest Nazarene University as an Assistant Professor of Social Work (we received his contract for the new year today with this official title). His actual title for his position is "Idaho Child Welfare Resource Family Trainer & Consultant". His job is great. He gets to do a bit of lots that he enjoys. He teaches for the University the Child Welfare class. Then he is a trainer and consultant for the foster and adoptive parents in our region of Idaho. This means he provides an ongoing cycle of classes for foster parents. Each foster parent is required to have 27 hours of training and to have continued classes during the year. That is the bulk of his position. Plus he partners with local agencies and groups to promote foster parenting and provide needed resources. I am proud of his work.

Through our church, Scott is beginning to serve on the leadership team for the start up of Celebrate Recovery (kick off in September 2008). God has a plan for this ministry and it is already at work in many churches. I am glad that it is going to be a part of the church (the body of believers) we serve and grow with.

Scott is working hard to get back into shape. Both he and I were pretty lazy this winter, only exercising the hand to mouth muscles! He is also on a softball team and planning a fishing retreat that is coming up soon.

So that is a bit about what Scott is up to. By the way, did I mention that I am glad that he is my husband? I am glad that we have spent the last 16 years together and I look forward to many, many, many more!


Storms have been frequenting our area but not really intruding into our space. Let me explain. On Memorial Day, there were thunder storms to the north, south and east of the Treasure Valley but not in the valley. Sure we had wind, some drops of rain but no real disturbances that interfered with much. How often do I go out in life unaware of how my Father has shielded me from storms. I chose to complain about the inconveniences, like wind, but fail to recognize that He has protected me from so much more. My Father is the creator of the universe, the Creator of all. He waits for me with expectancy to come to him... in relationship... feeling His presence in all areas of my life, storms included. I am grateful to be loved in this way. May you too, see the Father, know the Son and be filled with the Spirit of God. That is where I want to be today... whether there be storm or calm.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Home, sweet home!

Today has been one of those days I love. I have been behind on so many things, mostly the usual routine items. The mopping has gone untouched for a couple weeks (ewww!), clutter piles grew in places that should never collect anything, laundry is heaping (still is, that is a two day process to remedy) and my calm home felt like it was swallowing me. I finally had a day with no where to be (except for a spinning class this morning - that is another subject altogether!). I dug in and made a difference in my home. Not perfection by any stretch but I transformed many areas and now feel a better since of the calm I like.

These tulips are from my flower bed this spring. They always make me smile. My daughter took this picture for me. Looking at these remind me of the calm I am feeling now that I have accomplished tasks that have, unwelcomed, occupied space in my mind.

Since my feet have had a small rest and I am hoping to get more done. . . Here I go!

Monday, May 19, 2008

9 more days, just 9 more days!

I wake up each morning with the count down of days on my mind. I ready myself, talk with my Savior, eat some food to gain energy, wake the sleeping beauties and brace myself. After breakfast is consumed, after my nephew arrives, after some low growls from my two eldest cherubs, it begins. Another day in the world of homeschooling. I have checked and rechecked the calendar. No matter how we shake it, school won't be done sooner than May 30th. Ahhh, I look at the clutter piles that have accumulated over the last quarter and tell myself they can wait a few more days (but can I?). Hold on Kym, the end is in site. The sun is warm, I long to be free from lessons and complaining. Then I realize that if this summer is like any other, it will be wonderful for a week and then the complaining will begin again, this time because of the heat, boredom and bickering between sisters. Will I or my children be content with where each day finds us? May this be our journey together this summer...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I did it. Thanks a lot Kristen!

I have a friend who is great at blogging. She is an inspiration reading what is happening in her life, from the ordinary to the extraordinary. I especially like how this blogging can be done easily and can be a "scrapbook" of sorts for my family. So... I am now a part of this new frontier (new for me that is)...