Saturday, May 24, 2008

Home, sweet home!

Today has been one of those days I love. I have been behind on so many things, mostly the usual routine items. The mopping has gone untouched for a couple weeks (ewww!), clutter piles grew in places that should never collect anything, laundry is heaping (still is, that is a two day process to remedy) and my calm home felt like it was swallowing me. I finally had a day with no where to be (except for a spinning class this morning - that is another subject altogether!). I dug in and made a difference in my home. Not perfection by any stretch but I transformed many areas and now feel a better since of the calm I like.

These tulips are from my flower bed this spring. They always make me smile. My daughter took this picture for me. Looking at these remind me of the calm I am feeling now that I have accomplished tasks that have, unwelcomed, occupied space in my mind.

Since my feet have had a small rest and I am hoping to get more done. . . Here I go!

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