So much happening. Let me hit some highlights:
1 - WEATHER - The weather may start to cooperate with our normal idea of summer. The 60's, rain and snow may now be gone for the season.
2 - NATURE IN OUR FRONT YARD - Robin's have decided to build a nest right outside our living room window in our Japanese Maple tree. It has been a treat to watch the couple gather, build and protect their nest from the neighborhood cats. We can't wait to see the eggs and then the babies. The robins were in the tree last year. It is nice to have them back again.
3 - FISHING AND FOOD - Scott has been busily preparing for a fishing trip where he and his cousin "host" for a group of men from church. This year he is prepping for about 25 men. A great turn out.
4 - NBA - The Lakers are in the playoffs... GO
5 -
VBS - is coming up quicker than my mind can believe! Many tasks need to be done, supplies gathered, volunteers recruited, decorations made and put up. Any
volunteers? There is a place for you!
6 - LESSONS IN SUMMER - The girls are doing a bit of school work, most days. Manda is working on math and Hannah practicing skills already learned, repetition and practice.
7 - BOOKS - The library is back as a main stay of summer with weekly visits. During the school year we have so much reading with literature, language arts, history and art that we don't often get to the library. We were also blessed with my mother's K-2nd grades library of books when she retired after 35 years of teaching. Therefore, we have plenty of books for pre and early readers. Amanda get books from book orders, birthdays and Christmas to supplement her school year reading.
8 - RUN, WHO, YOU?!? - I am working out a lot more than I have in six months. I am
training for a 5K. No, not a marathon, but the idea of a 5K is like a marathon for my out of shape, overweight and creaky 37 year old body. I am also doing a spinning class once a week and doing a "rep reebok" class 2-3x per week. Boy, I enjoy all the exercise, but hope it pays off. My 10 year old was walking behind me today and said, "Mommy, your bottom looks smaller today." Should I be excited or disturbed???
9 - CAMP -Our 7 year old is excited because she got a letter in the mail yesterday about her camp this summer. She has not gone before and is beside herself with anticipation. It will be fun. I get to go with her as the camp encourages a parent to attend with the children. The camp is for 1st-3rd graders. The theme is about being a child of the King. The letter came addressed to "Lady Hannah". It will be a treat to go with her. I enjoyed going with Amanda two years ago.
10 - EMPTY SLOTS AND ANSWERED PRAYER - Regarding my work (I struggle to call it work). It is a joy to have the position I have. However, I am coming up on summer and scheduling. Wow. This will be amazing to work out. But a praise. I had the volunteers for the pre-K and K classes say they would be gone for 7 weeks. I found a woman who is willing to fill in for them. God is good.
11 - QUIT? OR NOT? - I am still at
Michael's teaching cake decorating for
Wilton (one class at a time). This has been a stretch for me to continue... oh, well... we'll see what the next couple of months bring.
Whew... that is a bit about where we are today. Stay tuned for the next edition...